Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Teach what we Preach

Today Matteo told his sister "put me down freak". And also said a swear to his dad. Needless to say I am less than happy about it and had to put his daddy in a timeout! {Ok,I must admit the freak thing took me by so much surprise,I laughed and hard}.But the swearing not so funny.

A big problem I have found in this house that daddy works away for two weeks at a time and it is getting really hard for him to remember we are not "the guys".He has never been an overly sensitive man,ok not sensitive at all. I make up for the both of us I think. But Matteo is so much more impressionable than Frankie. When she was four and got tricked into saying crap,she almost had a breakdown. Not my little man,it cracks him up and he listens intently for any type of bad word for correcting.I feel like this is an uphill battle that daddy doesn't think is such a big deal.

Matteo is such a handfull{like watching 3 kids},I do note need to add swearing to the mix!But on that not he can be so peaceful....



Drea said...

Kids pick up stuff fast. We have to be SO careful :-) Caleb hasnt said any bad words yet.. although he never hears them in our home.. but he could hear them on a commercial or something or in public. He has said stupid and we corrected that quickly.

mamatucci said...

I agree with you so much,my husbands potty mouth has been a thorn in my side for 13 long years now. But i keep trying to tell him that we cannot expect our kids to not swear,if their daddy does! said...

I don't know... he looks like he's plotting something in his sleep!!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Aw, love the sleeping pictures, what a cutie. I agree on the swearing but in our house it's me that's the problem. Maybe my husband should put me on time out!