Saturday, April 5, 2008

Snow and blah

It snowed again, this is getting depressing!

It is 2 am and I am not in the slightest mood for sleep.

Joe comes home tomorrow, so I have to drive over a hour each way to get him.

My scanner/printer is being funny so, I couldnt do a post about our fun weekend.

Oh ya, we bought a house for cheap, but we have redo every detail about it.

So, we will be living in the dungeon forever( ok a long time)

Matteo has hit the terrible 2's witha vengence

Frankie is having honesty issues, with the littlest things(just tell the truth jeez)

I am alittle bored

I am almost 2 months late ( probably just hormone problem, which explains all the complaining)

Just one of those weeks

I am done now, thanks for listening


Kamis Khlopchyk said...

That's exciting about the house, many houses are not cheap and you still have to fix everything!

Hang in there, things will look up on the morning. Especially when you see how much snow we don't have!


Maybe the warm weather this weekend will also mend your spirit:-)

Good Things I Find said...

I live in Ontario and I am so tired of snow. We were finally able to trade in our snowboots for shoes this past weekend, as long as we stuck to the sidewalk.

Good Things I Find said...

I live in Ontario and I am so tired of snow. We were finally able to trade in our snowboots for shoes this past weekend, as long as we stuck to the sidewalk.